Thursday, April 12, 2012

great news in the Valley St.

Yesterday a visit from B's doctor. She said the change in him is absolutely great. Not the same man as a month ago she told him. Medicine finally doing the job to stop a lot of the anxiety and panic. She is expecting him to go out more and more and once we get the tags for the car he should be driving more, a block at a time. He is very excited with her prognosis. School is also exciting as they are now delving into psychology and weeding out the other courses. He will need algebra and is terrified but he can get a tutor on line for a week to prepare him. The news is fantastic when I see him visiting the girls next door, I then remember how upset he used to be when a workman had to enter the house. Often he would stay in my bedroom and have panic attacks. Now I see him bouncing over to the next driveway and laugh and chat with people his age. Makes my heart sing. I am feeling better too, the extra Lexapro is beginning to kick in so the sadness is much better today. Great April month, now I have to plant 5 more tomatoes which came in the mail.

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