Monday, May 7, 2012

The right to vote

Great day and full of hope for tomorrow's vote.
There is always hope.....

The best for our gang and mostly Bobby is the fact that the last time he drove was when he took me to work at Steinmart and when he came to the shuffle board place he had a very bad attack, he was so frightened that when a cop passed by he wanted to chase the cop and attack him so the cop would shoot him out of his misery. I was sweating bullets in the car not knowing what to do with him. Neither one of us had a cel phone then. I found someone inside the shuffle board place and called Ari.
She was there very quickly. He could not drive home. He stopped driving then and there.
She had to take him one block at a time and stop to calm him, first to her mom's house a few blocks away and then home a few more blocks.

Yesterday we took a drive together, he passed the place for the first time and I could see the tension on his face.
I was worried. He continued driving onto Canuga and turned on Hebron.
Hebron holds the nursing home and I do not want to go by there but this is his recuperation.
I showed him the place and he had no idea where Bob had to go to at the end.
He kept driving further and further but his face was white from the tension.
He went back to go past the shuffleboard place. Then home.

He was spent, he took a nap.

Later he told me that come hell or high water he will vote tomorrow.
The vote is important to him as it is to me.
Chances of winning are not good so many other states have voted for this amendment.
This is a Republican state and a Republican town plus the churches have come out
in droves promoting only marriage with male and female.
It is a personal opinion voting and I do not find it very kosher, pardon the pun, that churches continue
to be on this non loving path. If there is a God then would he make a difference in his children?
I have seen politicians turn around on their statements when their own kids admitted to be gay.
(See Cheney)

So Bob has decided he will go to THAT place and vote. How he will do it I do not have a clue unless he takes the strong medicine which he no longer uses. Bob can have a temper about ignorance. I am hoping no heckling is in the line as there has been in the pre-vote lines. How he can be in line is a big ?????
He does not want to be hemmed in.

Voting is important to him so I hope he has that chance.

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