Saturday, November 2, 2013

All Saints Day

So in Belgium you used to get the day off and expected to go to church on this Nov 1st day.

My Mom had passed on November 8th , she no longer went to church, well she did for weddings and funerals both with some tears. Otherwise she did not want to go and tell a priest her business.
Besides that sinning was not really a problem with her anymore. Maybe gossiping is a sin ? I do not remember that? I remember stealing cookies from my mother was a sin and that was my weekly rapport to the priest. I could never think of anything else.

Anyway with the Catholic DNA still running in my veins the first year after her death I wanted to go to church. I wanted to go to Asheville, they have a fabulous little old church there. Daughter Rhonda who had just moved there was delighted to take me. To my surprise her husband (then) came also, he was on his way to work anyway so he decided to be with me too.

I wanted to sit in the back as I did not remember when to stand, went to kneel, the whole enchalada of church rules and torture. I wanted to watch the ones in front of us who no doubt were "regulars".

No sooner did the organ play a note and an old gentleman came to my son in law and whispered something. Jim , is a physician, and he was dressed in a lovely suit ,shirt and tie. He turned to us and smiled and left with the old man. We just could not figure what was going on. Looking at the prayer book we got into the
service when suddenly appeared Jim holding a basket and collecting money.'
His grin had us in stitches and we hid behind the books. It turned out that they were short of ushers, Jim looked dressed up enough to be one so they recruited the Methodist man to get money for them.

I doubt they ever knew but then a collection is worth every penny even if a Methodist begged for it.

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