Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rhonda is 53

How could that be?
OK so I needed convincing.
Instead of counting on the fingers I did the math on my machine.
The machine and fingers are lying.
How could she be 53???(tomorrow Jan 21)
I feel like I am barely 55.

What do numbers mean anyway?????????
Surely I did not get any thrills when it turned 1/1/11
what is up with that?

I do not think that 2012 is the end of it all...........but I am wondering why the birds are dropping dead in flocks not only here but Italy and Germany too????
Are they the canaries entering the mines and telling us something?

Well, for now I am happy to just take it one day at a time, if I wake up in the morning that is a good sign that I am still here, no matter what age I am.
Happy Birthday Girl

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